Sunday, June 30, 2013

Egyptians flood streets to demand Morsi quit

NBC's Ayman Mohyeldin reports from Cairo where a large crowd of people are gathered to protest Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi's handling of the country one year after he was elected.

By Daniel Arkin, Staff Writer, NBC News

Tens of thousands of opponents and supporters of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi flooded the streets of Cairo on Sunday ahead of competing protests that observers warn could descend into mayhem and bloodshed.

Swarms of anti-government demonstrators massed in Tahrir Square, crucible of the 2011 so-called ?Arab Spring? uprisings?that overthrew autocratic leader?Hosni Mubarak.

"The people want the fall of the regime!" they chanted, many waving national flags ? this time not against an aging dictator but against their first ever elected leader, who took office only a year ago to the day.

Mohamed Abd El Ghany / Reuters

Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi shout slogans against him and brotherhood members during a protest at Tahrir square in Cairo June 30, 2013.

At the same time, legions of Morsi's allies were assembling outside the Rabia al-Adawiya Mosque near the Ittihadiya?presidential palace, some wearing military-style regalia and carrying shields and clubs, according to The Associated Press.

Although both sides have pledged to keep the peace, observers worry that Sunday's rallies could set off a wave of ugly violence. At least seven people, including an American college student from Maryland, have been killed in clashes in the last week, with hundreds of others wounded.

The planned protests represent the peak of a year of turbulence and turmoil in which Egypt has been rocked by scores of political crises, dozens of bloody clashes and a declining economy that has set off a spate of power outages, fuel shortages, skyrocketing prices and routine lawlessness and crime.

The opposing sides of the conflict are representative of the bitter political, social, and religious divisions in contemporary Egypt.

The Muslim Brotherhood and other hard-line groups form the backbone of the pro-Morsi camp. Many of Morsi's proponents have characterized the protests as a conspiracy by Mubarak's political allies to return the former leader to power.

The anti-government movement brings together secular and liberal Egyptians, moderate Muslims and Christians, and wide swaths of the general public the opposition says has rejected the Islamists and their regime.

Liberal leaders say nearly half all Egyptian voters ? some 22 million people ? have signed a petition calling for new elections.

"We all feel we're walking on a dead-end road and that the country will collapse," said Mohamed El-Baradei, a former U.N. nuclear watchdog chief, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and now liberal party leader in his homeland.

Despite mounting pressure, Morsi did not buckle in advance of the preplanned protests, dismissing the widespread dissent as an undemocratic assault on his electoral legitimacy, Reuters reported.

Mohamed Abd El Ghany / Reuters

Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi shout slogans against him and members of the Muslim Brotherhood during a demonstration in Tahrir square in Cairo June 30, 2013.

But he also proposed to make changes to the new, Islamist-inflected constitution, saying he was not personally responsible for controversial clauses on religious authority, which stirred up liberal animosity and triggered the popular revolt, according to Reuters.

For many Egyptians, though, all the turmoil that has followed the Arab Spring has just made life harder. Standing by his lonely barrow at an eerily quiet downtown Cairo street market, 23-year-old Zeeka was afraid more violence was coming.

"We're not for one side or the other," he told Reuters. "What's happening now in Egypt is shameful. There is no work, thugs are everywhere ... I won't go out to any protest.

"It's nothing to do with me. I'm a tomato guy."

Protests in Egypt have occurred around the country in the last few days, with more expected Sunday. The demonstrations come two years after former president Hosni Mubarak was removed from power, and some are hoping the current protests will unseat Egypt's current leader Muhammed Morsi. NBC's Aymen Mohyeldin reports.

Visiting sub-Saharan Africa, President Barack Obama has cautioned that rancor in the largest Arab country could rattle the region.

"Every party has to denounce violence," Obama said in Pretoria, South Africa, on Saturday. "We'd like to see the opposition and President Morsi engage in a more constructive conversation about how they move their country forward because nobody is benefiting from the current stalemate."

?Washington has evacuated non-essential personnel and redoubled security at its diplomatic missions in Egypt.

Reuters and The Associated Press?contributed to this report.


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1v1 Orbs Private

Mel POV-

I heard Charlie mention going to a pub. "Charlie! We can't just... You... Oh fine." I turned to the rest of the household. "It would appear we're going to a pub tonight. May as well make an event of it, since I don't think any of us are working tomorrow." I looked directly at Oliver when I said that, but it appeared his attention was elsewhere. I bumped him on the head and he turned to me. "We are going to a pub." He looked at me blankly. "With the goddess?" I blinked. What? "Just.. Just get ready."

Oliver POV-

Today was just 'let's torture Ollie with Charlie looking actually sexy' day. First the short shorts, then the severe lack-of-clothing and now 'sexy clubbing goddess'. Not. Freaking. Fair. However, I was interrupted from my thoughts by Mel. Going to a club huh? With the goddess? hell yes! "Just get ready." I smirked at her. I ran into my room and put on a pair of black jeans. They were skinny but not quite skin-tight. Then I ran back out into the hall. "Done!" I looked myself up and down. Wait.. I undid the first three buttons on my dress shirt. "Now I'm done!" Mel just rolled her eyes. "Give me ten minutes, Casanova."

Charlie POV-

I scanned Ollie up and down. Seriously, he had to unbutton the buttons again. Whatever, I didn't even care. I wasn't comfortable in my skin, and there was a lot more 'cleavage' than I usually had. But damn, did I look good. I could only admit that because of my straightened hair and makeup, without makeup I looked like an animal that had been run over on the road. But black really brought out the green in my eyes and plus my confidence in my makeup and alcohol, this was going to be a great night.

Nick POV-

I looked down at my jeans and baggy shirt. "Eh, it will do." I smiled at Alexis, "You look great, not even slutty and you still look pretty" I meant it in a friendly way of course, nothing more than friends.

Alexis POV-

Best. Day. Ever. I felt all warm and my heart skipped a beat, had he really just said that? "Oh.. Hahahah thanks Nick.." I smiled widely at him, so happy I could hardly contain myself.
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Re: Orbs - 1x1 RP [NOT OPEN]
by WhiteFang121 ? Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:16 pm

Mel POV-

After changing into my clubbing dress (very dark blue, very short, very sexy) and a pair of black strappy heels, we piled into Charlie's car and drove to the Black Minx Nightclub. It wasn't overly crowded, but there were enough people that our little group was separated within five minutes. Then again, that was probably due to both Charlie and Oliver running in opposite directions the second we walked through the door. I rubbed my temples and looked over to where the others were standing - or at least they had been a minute ago. "Whatever." I muttered. They were going to make their way back to me once they were smashed enough. Being the designated driver sucked, especially when your four room mates are very thorough drunks.

Ollie POV-

I was finally back in my natural habitat. I looked around through the haze, seeing the dancing silhouettes and hearing the pounding music. Taking a deep breath in, I could smell the sweat, alcohol and sex in the room. Oh yeah, this was gonna be fun.

RPing with my best friend, Emygrace!


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Re: Orbs - 1x1 RP [NOT OPEN]
by Emygrace ? Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:22 pm

Charlie POV-

I hurried over to the bar, not wasting any time. "One shot of vodka please." I smiled at the bartender, not flirtatiously but not just friendly either. He passed me the shot and I skulled it, coughing a little after. the taste was strong and it always took me awhile to get used to it. I wanted more. "Three more?"
"Are you sure hun? That's a lot of alcohol.." The friendly bartender said.
"Yes." Three shots later, I was sinking into the stool a lot more than before and my vision was a little bit blurry. "Give me a goon bag!" I exclaimed loudly, and the bartender frowned.
He replied, "A goon bag is to make you're already wasted.."
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Re: Orbs - 1x1 RP [NOT OPEN]
by WhiteFang121 ? Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:32 pm

Mel POV-

I honestly have no idea what the hell everyone else did that night. I drank a teeny bit and danced a little with some nice boys who were wearing very well-fitted suits. I always did like a man in a suit.
By 3am, I was pretty sure everyone had pretty much had their fill. I found Charlie with her head in one of the toilets, Lexa slurring her way through her life story at the bar, a shirtless Nick making a half-hearted attempt to crawl out from underneath two (still fully clothed) blondes and an absolutely smashed Oliver making absolutely no attempt to crawl out from underneath three (very 'lightly dressed') blondes and a brunette. What was it with these two and blondes? I guess they do say that blondes have more fun. Then again, they also say that brunettes will actually remember it in the morning...

RPing with my best friend, Emygrace!


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Re: Orbs - 1x1 RP [NOT OPEN]
by Emygrace ? Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:38 pm

Charlie POV-

"Oh crap!" I mumbled, "Am I dead?!" Light was burning my eyes and I hadn't even opened them yet. I opened one slightly and hissed hiding under my blanket "Ow..maybe I'm a vampire" Ugh. My stomach and head hurt a lot. I noticed on my left wrist there was black cursive writing saying, 'Charlie and Tom forever'. Who was Tom?! I quickly rubbed at it and to my relief it was just ink. But I would need soap to scrub it off. I didn't remember a thing from last night..

Nick POV-

I groaned, and woke up with a pink bra on under my shirt. At first I was embarrassed but then, proud. At least some girl had to have put it there. I was never the type of guy who womanises, but what guy wouldn't be proud of that?

Alexis POV-

"And then.." I mumbled softly, still half in my dream. "I was like, why not live with the guy I'm in love with? You only live once right..." I snorted in a very unattractive way, waking up. "Oh god.."

Mel POV-

I gazed around the darkened living room. Everyone was pretty much where I had left them last night - or earlier this morning. Charlie took up the whole two-seater sofa (she needed it most) and was lying facedown underneath the blanket I'd given her earlier. She was mumbling and stirring a bit. I winced. She was going to have the god of all hangovers.
Nick was on the futon next to the couch, splayed out like someone who had just belly flopped into a pool. Next to him was Oliver, who was groaning lightly. If anyone was going to beat Charlie in the hangover department it was him. Alexis, who I'd sort of draped over a chair, had fallen off and also started mumbling to herself.

I walked over to the kitchen and dropped five aspirins into their respective containers. I didn't really have a hangover, but with all the groaning, moaning and whining I would be dealing with it today, I would be needing it. I walked over to Charlie and told her I had some aspirin. She mumbled something incoherent and a hand shakily popped out from under the blanket. I handed her the cup (didn't want to risk any glass-dropping incidents) an the hand retreated back inside the blanket. I couldn't help but chuckle softly as I walked over to Nick, who had also awoken. His hand was over his eyes and he squinted at me through the gap between his fingers. I gave him the aspirin and he took it gladly, muttering a thanks.
Alexis was muttering to herself and woke with a start as I approached. She went pink for a moment, looking down at herself, then took the aspirin, still not looking me in the eye.

Oliver POV-

I could feel my soul trying to fly out of my f*cking eyes.
"Turn the light off."
I heard someone chuckle and ask "You mean the sun?"
I frowned as best as my sore facial muscles could manage. "Yes, that. Turn it off."
The voice chuckled again. "Alright. I'll try my best."

RPing with my best friend, Emygrace!


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Re: Orbs - 1x1 RP [NOT OPEN]
by Emygrace ? Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:07 pm

Charlie POV-

I coughed on the aspirin, seeing as I was laying down. I just wanted to sleep, but seeing as it was probably almost midday I wasn't tired. I just felt terrible everywhere. "I'm never drinking ever again" I groaned and managed to say the sentence without mumbling too much. The pain in my head was almost tear jerking and I was full of regret, although in my heart I knew I would drink again.

Alexis POV-

"Charlie, I had half of what you had... and I only remember half the night" I told her, my nerves were acting up because I was so glad no one had heard what I had been mumbling.

Nick POV-

"I'm wearing a pink bra.." I added, thinking that it was a very relevant point. But mainly I was extremely proud of it and wanted them all to know. Especially Oliver. We had always had a competition with the ladies, well maybe it was all in my mind, but I had always lost. I just didn't like being a player. But I had been drunk last night so it wasn't my fault..right?
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Re: Orbs - 1x1 RP [NOT OPEN]
by WhiteFang121 ? Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:57 am

Oliver POV-

I looked at Nick, then down at my own sore body. "Well sorry to burst your bubble," I smirked, "but I'm wearing two." I felt underneath my shirt. "And a pair of rather lovely pink panties, it would appear."

Mel POV-

I rolled my eyes at the boys. "And once again you have proven how crude you two are when drunk." I heard weak chuckles coming from them and walked towards the computer. No one was going anywhere at this rate, so I decided to check how my search for the mystery piece of paper was going. To y surprise, there was a hit! Some scientist seemed to know about the origins of my rock-paper. I scanned the contents of his reply.

[RE: HELP Paper inside rock? Answers needed ASAP]
Dear Mel_Angel2,
I happen to know rather a lot about your find. I'm a scientist working in the field of folkloristics (the study of folklore, legends and myths). I have been looking into the legend pertaining your particular piece of paper for a while now, and I believe that you may have found something vital to my research. Would you be against meeting up with me and my team? I know it sounds forward, but it would really help me and my team's research into this case. Please private message me if you could,
Many thanks,

I blinked a few times. Could this guy be for real? It could be some rapist, but... I did a quick search. His other posts were also about 'folkloristics' and when I googled it, it turned out to be a real science. Well.. what's the worst that could happen? I clicked on the PM box and began typing.

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Re: Orbs - 1x1 RP [NOT OPEN]
by Emygrace ? Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:06 am

Charlie POV-

Still holding the blanket over me to cover the sunlight I stumbled off the couch and ran to the bathroom shakily. I started ferociously rubbing at the black writing on my wrist. It faded but not completely. I lifted up my dress in search for any other words anywhere else, scared that I might have actually gotten a permanent tattoo. I groaned in frustration, as I couldn't see if there was anything on my lower back with this crappy mirror we had.

Alexis POV-

My face burned with jealousy of Nick with anyone but me. But I couldn't do anything to stop him, it's not like he liked me back or ever would. Charlie seemed to have the worst, equal to Oliver. She looked like a vampire running across the room. What was wrong? I didn't know what trouble had gone down last night with her, maybe she had some sort of STD? I noticed that on the couch she had been sprawled across there was a few pieces of paper, I guessed they were phone numbers.

Nick POV-

"Is she ok?" I mentioned to where Charlie had run off to, also noticing the papers. "Maybe she's just remembering the night or seeing the consequences of not remembering" I chuckled and looked at Oliver.


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Regulators pave way for dissimilar drug breakthrough

LONDON/ZURICH (Reuters) - European regulators have cleared the way for the first serious threat to the makers of multibillion-dollar biotechnology drugs to treat diseases such as cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) said on Friday that its experts had backed approval of two copycat versions of Johnson & Johnson and Merck & Co's blockbuster rheumatoid arthritis drug Remicade - the first time a green light has been given for such antibody-based medicines.

Until now, complex biotechnology medicines such as Remicade - given by injection or infusion - have been largely immune from generic competition, unlike conventional pills.

But the EMA's announcement on so-called biosimilars Remsima and Inflectra - made by South Korea's Celltrion and U.S. company Hospira respectively - signals the changing landscape as regulators set out a clearer path for the evidence needed to secure approval of such products.

Celltrion executive Kim Hyoung-ki told reporters on Friday that the company is planning to seek approval in Japan later this year and that an application for U.S. approval is possible in 2015.


He said that the company expects to sell Remsima at a 30 percent discount to Remicade, aiming to win a significant chunk of the $6.1 billion sales that the drug racked up for Johnson & Johnson in 2012.

Celltrion also aims to boost sales further with approval in emerging markets and recession-hit countries such as Greece.

Citi analyst Andrew Baum said that European regulators' backing of biosimilar versions of Remicade is also likely increase the perceived risk for Roche's top-selling cancer drugs Rituxan and Herceptin. Roche is trying to protect its existing products by bringing out improved, patented versions of its medicines.

Both Remsima and Inflectra have been recommended for a range of auto-immune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease and psoriasis among others.

Europe has already approved some simpler biosimilars, including copycat versions of human growth hormone and the anemia treatment EPO, but it has yet to approve an antibody drug such as Remicade, which is known generically as infliximab.

Unlike traditional chemical drugs, biotech medicines consist of proteins derived from living organisms that cannot be replicated exactly. Biosimilars, therefore, are more difficult to develop and need more tests to prove they work properly.

Recommendations for marketing approval by the agency's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use are normally endorsed by the European Commission within a couple of months.

(Reporting by Ben Hirschler and Caroline Copley; Additional reporting by Miyoung Kim in Seoul; Editing by David Goodman)


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Tuna, sardines help fight breast cancer - Rappler

Agence France-Presse
Posted on 06/28/2013 8:40 AM ?|?Updated 06/28/2013 10:48 AM

CANCER FIGHTER. Eating sardines, tuna, salmon and other oily fish can reduce breast cancer riskCANCER FIGHTER. Eating sardines, tuna, salmon and other oily fish can reduce breast cancer risk

PARIS, France - Eating a portion of tuna, salmon, sardines or other oily fish once or twice a week reduces the risk of breast cancer, according to a review published by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on June 27.

Researchers based in China looked at 26 previously published studies covering more than 800,000 volunteers in the United States, Europe and Asia whose health was monitored and who gave details about their eating habits.

Oily fish is rich in so-called n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, or n-3 PUFAs, which are involved in the immune system, blood-vessel activity and chemical messaging in the brain.

The group of n-3 PUFAs has 4 members, known by their initials of EPA, DPA and DHA, which are mainly found in oily fish, and ALA, which is chiefly found in nuts, seeds and leafy vegetables.

The analysis showed that women with a high intake of n-3 PUFAs had a 14% reduction in risk of breast cancer compared with those who had a low intake.

But the protective effect came only for fatty acids that come chiefly from fish, and not for ALA acids.

Those who showed the most benefit were women in Asia, whose diet was richer in fish than in Europe and America.

In statistical terms, every 0.1-gram increase in fish fatty acids per day was linked to a 5% reduction in breast cancer risk.

As a guide for daily living, this means one or two portions of oily fish per person per week.

Breast cancer has been dubbed a "silent killer" of women because it is often diagnosed too late.

The disease accounted for 23% of total cancer cases among women and 14% of cancer deaths in 2008, according to figures in the study.

Genetic heritage also plays a role in breast cancer, most notoriously in variants in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, although how this interacts or not with food, lifestyle and environmental factors is unclear. -

Sardine dish image from Shutterstock


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Status of the states on same-sex marriage

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

FILE - Christian Olivera, of Newark, N.J., shouts toward the Statehouse in Trenton, N.J. on Thursday, June 27, 2013 as he and other advocates for gay marriage in New Jersey gather, saying they'll press their case in the legislature and the courts after the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that invalidates parts of the federal Defense of Marriage Act. Gov. Chris Christie said he would again veto a same-sex marriage bill if it reaches his desk, and that Wednesday's U.S. Supreme Court ruling striking down a ban on federal benefits for same-sex married couples will have no effect on New Jersey, one of a handful of states that allows civil unions. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)The Supreme Court issued a pair of decisions this week with major consequences for efforts to legalize or bar same-sex marriage. One ruling opened the way for California to become the 13th state to allow gay marriage; the other struck down part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act and directed the government to recognize legally married same-sex couples.


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Watch: Senate votes on immigration bill

The Senate will vote on a sweeping immigration reform bill on Thursday afternoon, and a recently hashed-out compromise on border security is expected to win over some conservative support for the measure.

Early Thursday afternoon, the Senate voted 68-32 to end debate on the bill, a key procedural hurdle. A full vote on the bill is scheduled for 4 p.m. ET. Fourteen Republicans voted with the entire Democratic caucus to move the bill forward. The vote brings Congress a step closer to passing its first major immigration reform since the 1986 amnesty bill that legalized more than three million immigrants.

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) said on the Senate floor that the "historic legislation recognizes that today's immigrants came for the right reason, the same reason as the generations before them...the right to live in a land that's free."

The "Gang of Eight," a bipartisan group of senators who drafted the bill, had hoped to get 70 out of 100 senators to vote to pass the bill and send a strong signal to the Republican-controlled house that the legislation is bipartisan. But on Wednesday, test votes drew only 67 votes each, suggesting the bill might fall short of that goal.

The reform will implement a mandatory, national employment verification system, allow for more legal immigration of low- and high-skilled workers, beef up border security and eventually give green cards to most of the nation's 11 million unauthorized immigrants.

The bill has moved to the right in the Senate on border security, thanks to an amendment adopted last week that will double the number of Border Patrol officers and increase fencing on the southern border by hundreds of miles before any unauthorized immigrants are offered permanent legal status. But House members working on their own version of immigration reform told The Hill this is not enough: They would prefer that no unauthorized immigrant be offered even temporary legal status until all the border security measures of the bill are fully implemented. Republican chief deputy whip Peter Roskam told reporters the bill is a "pipe dream" that will never pass the House.

Union leaders representing both Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers say they oppose the bill, and groups that seek lower immigration levels have tried to rally members to call and write senators asking them to kill the bill. But so far, the critics of the bill have been outnumbered. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., has worked as a conservative ambassador for the legislation. Rubio highlighted his immigrant parents' journey to the United States in a speech on the floor Thursday.


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Friday, June 28, 2013

Nanoparticles Help Scientists Tell Left From Right

Have trouble telling left from right? Believe it not, so do molecular scientists. But a new method that amplifies the difference between right-handed and left-handed molecules could make things easier for scientists and lead to the development of new nanomaterials, optical sensors and pharmaceutical drugs.

A team of scientists at the U.S Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory and Ohio University have developed a way to make determining the handedness, or chirality, of molecules simpler.

In biology, left and right molecular designs are crucial. Living things are only made from left-handed molecules. A left-handed molecule of a particular compound could be an effective drug while its right-handed counterpart is completely inactive.

To help determine which is which, scientists used gold-and-silver cubic nanoparticles to amplify the difference between a left-handed molecule's and a right-handed molecule's response to a particular kind of light known as "circularly polarized" light.

Earlier work showed that molecules respond better to light when coupled with metallic nanoparticles. So researchers experimented with different shapes and compositions of nanoparticles to determine which was best suited for reflecting circularly polarized light.

They found that cubes with a gold centers surrounded by a silver shell were not only effective at picking up a chiral optical signal, they could even amplify these signals.

The optical signals of molecules attached to the gold and silver nanocubes were approximately 100 times stronger than their unattached counterparts.

"Our discovery and methods based on this research could be extremely useful for characterization of biomolecular interactions with drugs, probing protein folding and in other application where stereometric properties are important," said Oleg Gang, a researcher at Brookhaven's Center for Functional Nanomaterials.

Researchers also believe that their work could lead to enhanced designs of metamaterials used for things like energy harvesting and optical telecommunications.

This story was provided by TechNewsDaily, a sister site to LiveScience.? Email follow her?@techEpalermo. Follow us @TechNewsDaily, on Facebook or on?Google+.

Copyright 2013 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Thursday, June 27, 2013

'White House Down' first lady Garcelle Beauvais signs on to Indie film 'Loose' (Exclusive)

By Jethro Nededog

LOS ANGELES ( - Garcelle Beauvais is getting "Loose" for her next role, TheWrap has learned exclusively.

The actress has signed on to independent film, "Loose," from executive producer Dan Garcia with "Deception" star Meagan Good and Datari Turner attached as producers.

"Loose" is a coming of age story that follows Grace, a young girl from a small town trying to figure out her purpose in life.

Beauvais plays Grace's single mother, Lisa, an alcoholic who repeatedly finds herself in abusive relationships and making them the priority over her daughter.

Ty Hodges ("Doctor Me") directs the drama with a script written by Jacquin De Leon. Production is set to begin this summer.

Beauvais plays First Lady, Alison Sawyer, opposite Jamie Foxx and Channing Tatum in "White House Down," which opens in theatres on Friday. She also recently wrapped production as the lead in the indie drama, "And Then There Was You," directed by Leila Djansi.

Her TV credits include guest roles on Netflix's "Arrested Development," USA's "Psych" and TV Land's "The Exes" and recurring roles on TNT's "Franklin and Bash" and ABC's "NYPD Blue."

Beauvais is represented by SDB Partners, Luber Roklin Entertainment, Innovative Artists, and Edelstein Laird and Sobel.


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Texas Senator Gains Fame for Antiabortion Filibuster (WSJ)

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Language intervention levels playing field for English language learners

June 25, 2013 ? A new approach to teaching pre-kindergarten could take a bite out of the achievement gap and level the playing field for America's growing population of English language learners, according to a recently published study by researchers at Vanderbilt's Peabody College of education and human development.

"We are excited that we have helped teachers develop ways of teaching that result in such remarkable gains among children," David K. Dickinson, professor of education and one of the project's leaders, said. "Our teachers are committed to continuing using the approaches that are working, which means that many more children will benefit from being in their classrooms."

The Enhanced Language and Literacy Success Project, a four-year intervention and research effort performed in collaboration with Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools, proved that a language-rich pre-K curriculum paired with coaching, feedback and professional development for teachers, can improve student outcomes significantly.

An article about the research was recently published by the journal Early Childhood Research Quarterly.

"Research shows that children from low income families are behind when they start kindergarten and it's really difficult for them to catch up," said Sandra Jo Wilson, associate director of the Peabody Research Institute.

Wilson, one of the project leaders, managed the analysis of data for the study.

"Our study demonstrates that it is possible for children from diverse languages and backgrounds to enter kindergarten with literacy skills at or near national norms," she said.

The researchers evaluated the outcomes of 700 students and 13 teachers in seven Nashville pre-K programs. About half of the students were English language learners and nearly all came from low-income households.

"The element of providing feedback to teachers turned out to be a key to the curriculum's success," Dickinson said. Dickinson co-authored the curriculum, helped guide the delivery of the intervention and did some of the teacher professional development. "Teachers were asking for their reports and wanted to see how they were doing -- they were very responsive to what the coaches had to say."

Deborah Wells Rowe, associate professor of education at Peabody and an expert on early childhood writing, worked with the teachers to incorporate writing into their lessons.

The Enhanced Language and Literacy Success Project is supported by U.S. Department of Education grant No. S359B080078.


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Alaska volcano spews five-mile-high ash plume

Alaska volcano: Located almost 600 miles southwest of Anchorage, Pavlof Volcano let loose its most powerful eruption since becoming active in mid-May.?

By Yereth Rosen,?Reuters / June 26, 2013

Space station astronauts captured this picture of Pavlof Volcano on Saturday.

Courtesy of the ISS Expedition 36 crew / NASA


An Alaska volcano spewing ash and lava for the past six weeks erupted with new intensity early on Tuesday, belching a plume of cinders 5 miles (8 km) into sky and onto a nearby town and disrupting local flights, officials said.

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The eruptions from Pavlof Volcano, on the Alaska Peninsula 590 miles (950 km) southwest of Anchorage, were its most powerful since its current eruptive phase began with low-level rumblings in mid-May, according to scientists at the federal-state Alaska Volcano Observatory.

The latest series of more powerful ash-producing blasts from the crater of the 8,261-foot (2,518-meter) volcano started late on Monday and continued overnight into Tuesday, scientists said.

"For some reason we can't explain, it picked up in intensity and vigor," said Tina Neal, an observatory geologist.

While the ash plume has so far remained too low in the sky to affect jetliner traffic, topping out at an altitude of 28,000 feet, smaller planes had to fly around it, officials said. Anchorage-based PenAir canceled one flight and re-routed others, said Missy Roberts, a company vice president.

Ash has dusted King Cove, a town of about 900 people located 30 miles southwest of Pavlof, the Alaska Volcano Observatory reported.

The National Weather Service issued an ash advisory for the region, warning of breathing problems for people with respiratory ailments and potential damage to exposed electronic equipment.

A second Alaska Peninsula volcano continued a low-intensity eruption, the observatory said. Ash from Veniaminof Volcano, 485 miles (780 km) southwest of Anchorage, has been limited to the area around its 8,225-foot (2,507-meter) summit, the observatory said.

The eruptions at Pavlof and Veniaminof are unrelated, scientists say.

A third, more remote, Alaska volcano remained restless but was not currently spouting lava or ash, the observatory said. Cleveland Volcano, 940 miles (1,512 km) southwest of Anchorage, began an on-and-off eruptive phase in mid-2011 but has not produced an explosive eruption since May 6, according to the observatory.

(Editing by Steve Gorman and David Brunnstrom)


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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Volkswagen wanted to build a 235 MPG car. Now, 15 years after setting that challenge for themselves, they've exceeded their goals in almost every way. The VW XL1 is built like a supercar, looks like a spacepod, feels like a production model and crosses the Autobahn while using barely 0.004 gallons of fuel every mile. This is what it's like to drive the future.

(Full Disclosure: Volkswagen wanted me to drive the XL1 so badly they flew me business class to Wolfsburg, put me up in a very nice hotel and paid for all my Hendrick's Gin & Tonics. Then, they even let me try out their newest toy.)

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

When Dr. Ferdinand Piech drove the first prototype of VW's 1 liter car from Wolfsburg to Hamburg for the annual shareholders in 2002, he probably didn't have a great time. Prototypes tend to be noisy and rather uncomfortable on the Autobahn. But that demonstration must have worked since today the diesel-electric hybrid XL1 is entering limited production.

What's for sure is that Piech wanted to have a 235 mpg car and they ended up achieving 261 mpg. That's a remarkable result, even if that number is only achievable in an ideal world where hypermiling is the norm. If you use all its power, the XL1 will still save more fuel for you than most cars out there while it seats two, has enough cargo space for a short trip (around 4.2 cubic feet) and a range of 310 miles if you fill the tiny 2.6 gallon fuel tank to the brim.

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

If you open it up, it doesn't take long to realize how much work and money went into the development of this futuristic Tatra. There's carbon fiber everywhere and you sit in a one-piece monocoque that VW gets from an Austrian supplier. At 179 lbs, it's super light. It has carbon-ceramic brake discs and pads, polycarbonate windows and a magnesium clutch. This was a project not many could have pulled off apart from Volkswagen, and even they had to think about it for quite a while.

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

The end result is a car that weighs only 1753 lbs. And while 143 lbs of that is actually down to the batteries, this electric system makes much more sense than the Porsche 918's.

So here we are in Wolfsburg, a town of 50,000 that could be described as the cheerful Death Star of the VW empire. Or the German Bethlehem, whatever you prefer. There are five XL1s in the parking lot, and I'm going to drive one. The moment of truth I've been waiting for since Geneva. VIN number 19 will get floored.

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

After a few yards, it's obvious that you need to be a car guy (or girl) to get why certain compromises had to be made with the XL1. For example, there is no power steering but you get park assist. It's all about weight and it's all about nerdy details. Let me start from the beginning.

There's a button on the dashboard that says EV. As you may have guessed, that means the XL1 uses only electric power (27hp) until the lithium-ion batteries run out of juice (approximately 31 miles), which causes the 0.8-liter turbodiesel (TDI) engine to kick in. Now, in pure electric mode, the XL1 is slow. It's fine in a crowded city, but the fact remains that you need flammable liquids to get excited.

Volkswagen claims that thanks to its aerodynamic body (0.189 cd), the car only needs 8.4 horsepower in order to cruise at 60 mph. Fair enough, but getting there takes quite a while if you leave it to electricity.

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

That's why you fire up the big block engine. When you choose combined mode and let the TDI do its job, two things happen. You get an extra 48 horsepower/instant speed and a terrible grinding noise from behind as the diesel is not toned down by any weight-adding soundproofing.

It gets better once the DSG shifts up and the engine warms up, but it's still surprisingly noisy inside, with quite a lot of vibration when you put the pedal to the metal carbon fiber.

But stop thinking of the XL1 as an economy car. Think of it as a radical sports car. The XL1 has no power steering, no soundproofing and lots of carbon fiber. There are no mirrors, just a rear-view camera. And while it doesn't quite go like an F40, it is faster than the efficiency suggests. Cruising at 80 mph using the combined power of 75 hp, the XL1 feels happier than being stuck in city traffic, and while it is limited to a 100 mph, it could do more.

The lack of power steering makes it very direct even with the rather slow steering rack, and the ride is good despite those crazy Michelins optimized for low rolling resistance. You sit in a carbon monocoque, and that translates to the rigidity of a tank.

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

It's not flawless. It's noisier than your average VW and the sound isn't just from the TDI, but the carbon brakes as well. That's supercar stuff, you get used to it. The VW guy sitting next to me fixed the issue by turning on the radio. German engineering in the haus!

I guess you could also get used to the rear-view camera, but in traffic, it felt weird. The screen is not where you would normally look, so you have to take your eyes off the road for a second. And since there's only two of them, you end up with a whole new sort of blind spot.

Let's put it this way: If somebody stood behind you and stole your license plate, you wouldn't know. There's no rear window. But Volkswagen believes in this technology and Dr. Ulrich Hackenberg told us that since screens are getting cheaper and cheaper, we should expect to see cameras instead of mirrors as soon as they figure out the legal side of it.

The biggest gadget, of course, is the drivetrain that will soon find it's way into the Volkswagen e-up!... without the diesel part. It's great how you know exactly what's going on under the panels. The carbon brakes make a noise, the electric motor's regenerative braking doesn't. So it's clear what's stopping you. The TDI will certainly let you know when it powers up, and in EV mode, there's the usual electric sound giving you the full Jetsons experience. The screen displaying the system gets rid of the rest of your question marks.

On the move, it certainly looks like nothing else on the road.

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Unfortunately, when you look around inside, it's much less exciting. In fact, it's standard VW stuff apart from the carbon dashboard and the funky carbon bucket seats. The steering wheel is great and the off-set seating means there's enough shoulder room. But in a car like this, I expect to have holograms and alien colors. Not the Germans. They just don't do that.

So, I'm crawling in traffic in EV mode, saving pandas and looking for the rearview mirrors. Not like anybody is going to crash into an XL1. They might take pictures though. And even sitting lower than anybody else, the carbon fiber's rigidity gives a sense of safety. It's stronger than most small cars out there.

As we head for the Autobahn, I unleash full power, only to realize that the XL1 is much better at highway speeds. Reaching 80 mph is no problem, the DSG does its job, the car is very stable and with the total lack of drag, the only things slowing you down are the bugs you hit on your way. The wind becomes your friend in this one.

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

When we head back to the parking lot, I realize that overall, the XL1 is much better than I expected. It really feels like a production car instead of a prototype, and that's the biggest compliment for a limited production vehicle. And limited it is.

Volkswagen already made 50 out of the planned 250 run. They will sell them at "important markets" in Europe, with some probably reaching the shores of China too. This first batch of cars will be actually handed to the public for a month long testing session in Germany, and since many are interested, VW had to set up an essay competition to decide who will be the lucky ones to get it.

So, what's the point then? The point is that they could pull it off. It's a technological masterpiece that hints at the future of lightweight mobility. And it works today.

After the drivetrain, the next step might be high volume carbon fiber panels from Volkswagen. They know how much weight can be saved by that, and these people like numbers.

There's no word on pricing, no word on available colors (white, grey and red are for sure), but if the XL1 catches on, we've learned that the very labor-intensive production run can be expanded beyond the 250 units. Only time will tell, but I want one.

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Driving Volkswagen's 261 MPG Car Is Like Driving The Future

Photo credit: M?t? Petr?ny


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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Chinese workers holding U.S. boss say wages unpaid

BEIJING (AP) ? Chinese workers keeping an American executive confined to his Beijing medical supply factory said Tuesday that they had not been paid in two months in a compensation dispute that highlights tensions in China's labor market.

The executive, Chip Starnes of Specialty Medical Supplies, denied the workers' allegations of two months of unpaid wages, as he endured a fifth day of captivity at the plant in the capital's northeastern suburbs, peering out from behind the bars of his office window.

About 100 workers are demanding back pay and severance packages identical to those offered 30 workers being laid off from the Coral Springs, Florida-based company's plastics division. The demands followed rumors that the entire plant was being closed, despite Starnes' assertion that the company doesn't plan to fire the others.

The dispute highlights general tensions in China's labor market as bosses worry about rising wages and workers are on edge about the impact of slowing growth on the future of their jobs.

Inside one of the plant's buildings, about 30 mostly women hung around, their arms crossed. One worker, Gao Ping, told reporters inside an administrative office in the plant that she wanted to quit because she hadn't been paid for two months.

Dressed in blue overalls and sitting down at a desk, Gao said her division ? which makes alcohol prep pads, used for cleaning skin before injections ? had not been doing well and that she wanted her salary and compensation.

Workers in other divisions saw how badly her division was doing, thought the whole company was faring poorly and also wanted to quit and get compensation, said Gao, who had been working for the company for six years.

Starnes, 42, denied that they were owed unpaid salary.

"They are demanding full severance pay, but they still have a job. That's the problem," he said, still in the clothes he wore when he went to work Friday morning.

Chu Lixiang, a local union official representing the workers in talks with Starnes, said the workers were demanding the portion of their salaries yet to be paid and a "reasonable" level of compensation before leaving their jobs. Neither gave details on the amounts demanded.

Chu said workers believed the plant was closing and that Starnes would run away without paying severance. Starnes' attorney arrived Tuesday afternoon. Chu later told reporters that there would be no negotiations for the rest of the day.

Starnes said that since Saturday morning, about 80 workers had been blocking every exit around the clock and depriving him of sleep by shining bright lights and banging on windows of his office.

The standoff points to long-ingrained habits among Chinese workers who are sometimes left unprotected when factories close without severance or wages owed. Such incidents have been rarer as labor protections improve, although disputes still occur and local governments have at times barred foreign executives from leaving until they are resolved.

Starnes said the company had gradually been winding down its plastics division, planning to move it to Mumbai, India. He arrived in Beijing a week ago to lay off the last 30 people. Some had been working there for up to nine years, so their compensation packages were "pretty nice," he said. Then workers in other divisions started demanding similar severance packages on Friday, he said.

Kevin Jones, who advises U.S. companies on Chinese labor and employment law, said it is better if American executives stay at home and let their local managers lay off workers.

In a case last week, Jones said the chief financial officer of a U.S. telecommunications equipment maker wanted to come to Beijing to explain the situation and give 41 white-collar workers their termination notices.

"We told him to stay in America," said Jones, who chairs the Shanghai-based Faegre Baker Daniels labor and employment practice. The company's lawyers met with six employee representatives in a hotel. "We had two bodyguards but that was just in case things got out of control," Jones said.

Christian Murck, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, said Chinese labor law specified a minimum severance pay in the event of a layoff due to economic necessity or if someone is dismissed due to cause, but not a maximum one.

"There is a kind of structural weakness in the way the labor law is set up that leads to negotiations and disputes when departures occur," Murck said.


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Chinese workers holding US boss say wages unpaid

BEIJING (AP) ? Chinese workers keeping an American executive confined to his Beijing medical supply factory said Tuesday that they had not been paid in two months in a compensation dispute that highlights tensions in China's labor market.

The executive, Chip Starnes of Specialty Medical Supplies, denied the workers' allegations of two months of unpaid wages, as he endured a fifth day of captivity at the plant in the capital's northeastern suburbs, peering out from behind the bars of his office window.

About 100 workers are demanding back pay and severance packages identical to those offered 30 workers being laid off from the Coral Springs, Florida-based company's plastics division. The demands followed rumors that the entire plant was being closed, despite Starnes' assertion that the company doesn't plan to fire the others.

The dispute highlights general tensions in China's labor market as bosses worry about rising wages and workers are on edge about the impact of slowing growth on the future of their jobs.

Inside one of the plant's buildings, about 30 mostly women hung around, their arms crossed. One worker, Gao Ping, told reporters inside an administrative office that she wanted to quit because she hadn't been paid for two months.

Dressed in blue overalls and sitting down at a desk, Gao said her division ? which makes alcohol prep pads, used for cleaning skin before injections ? had not been doing well and that she wanted her salary and compensation.

Workers in other divisions saw her division doing badly, thought the whole company was faring poorly and also wanted to quit and get compensation, said Gao, who had been working for the company for six years.

Starnes, 42, denied that they were owed unpaid salary.

"They are demanding full severance pay, but they still have a job. That's the problem," he said, still in the clothes he wore when he went to work Friday morning.

Chu Lixiang, a local union official representing the workers in talks with Starnes, said the workers were demanding the portion of their salaries yet to be paid and a "reasonable" level of compensation before leaving their jobs. Neither gave details on the amounts demanded.

Chu said workers believed the plant was closing and that Starnes would run away without paying severance. Starnes' attorney arrived Tuesday afternoon. Chu later told reporters that there would be no negotiations for the rest of the day.

Starnes said that since Saturday morning, about 80 workers had been blocking every exit around the clock and depriving him of sleep by shining bright lights and banging on windows of his office.

The standoff points to long-ingrained habits among Chinese workers who are sometimes left unprotected when factories close without severance or wages owed. Such incidents have been rarer as labor protections improve, although disputes still occur and local governments have at times barred foreign executives from leaving until they are resolved.

Starnes said the company had gradually been winding down its plastics division, planning to move it to Mumbai, India. He arrived in Beijing a week ago to lay off the last 30 people. Some had been working there for up to nine years, so their compensation packages were "pretty nice," he said. Then workers in other divisions started demanding similar severance packages on Friday, he said.

Kevin Jones, who advises U.S. companies on Chinese labor and employment law, said it is better if American executives stay at home and let their local managers lay off workers.

In a case last week, Jones said the chief financial officer of a U.S. telecommunications equipment maker wanted to come to Beijing to explain the situation and give 41 white-collar workers their termination notices.

"We told him to stay in America," said Jones, who chairs the Shanghai-based Faegre Baker Daniels labor and employment practice. The company's lawyers met with six employee representatives in a hotel. "We had two bodyguards but that was just in case things got out of control," Jones said.


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Monday, June 24, 2013

WSJ: Facebook Is Developing a Flipboard-Style News Reader

WSJ: Facebook Is Developing a Flipboard-Style News Reader

So long Google Reader, hello... Facebook? The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Zuckerberg and co are working on a service that "displays content from Facebook users and publishers in a new visual format tailored for mobile devices".

Citing "people with knowledge of the matter", the newspaper suggests that the service?known internally as a Reader?has been under development for more than a year. Apparently it resembles Flipboard, letting users quickly swipe through posts and articles, and it's limited to mobile; there's no mention of a desktop app.

It's unclear if Facebook is planning to launch the app or that matter?if it does?whether it will keep the name Reader. But if it does make its take on feed reading public you can bet it'll be commercial laden, as the folks at Facebook desperately to try generate ad revenue.

Arguably, Facebook doesn't have the best track record when it comes to branching out from social with its apps?remember Poke??and with plenty of others clamouring for the news feed top spot thanks to the demise of Google Reader, competition will be tough. We'll just have to wait and see what comes of the app?if it ever sees the light of day. [Wall Street Journal]

Image via Pan Xunbin/Shutterstock


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High court sends back Texas race-based plan

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The Supreme Court has sent a Texas case on race-based college admissions back to a lower court for another look.

The court's 7-1 decision Monday leaves unsettled many of the basic questions about the continued use of race as a factor in college admissions.

Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the court, says a federal appeals court needs to subject the University of Texas admission plan to the highest level of judicial scrutiny.


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