Sunday, June 30, 2013

1v1 Orbs Private

Mel POV-

I heard Charlie mention going to a pub. "Charlie! We can't just... You... Oh fine." I turned to the rest of the household. "It would appear we're going to a pub tonight. May as well make an event of it, since I don't think any of us are working tomorrow." I looked directly at Oliver when I said that, but it appeared his attention was elsewhere. I bumped him on the head and he turned to me. "We are going to a pub." He looked at me blankly. "With the goddess?" I blinked. What? "Just.. Just get ready."

Oliver POV-

Today was just 'let's torture Ollie with Charlie looking actually sexy' day. First the short shorts, then the severe lack-of-clothing and now 'sexy clubbing goddess'. Not. Freaking. Fair. However, I was interrupted from my thoughts by Mel. Going to a club huh? With the goddess? hell yes! "Just get ready." I smirked at her. I ran into my room and put on a pair of black jeans. They were skinny but not quite skin-tight. Then I ran back out into the hall. "Done!" I looked myself up and down. Wait.. I undid the first three buttons on my dress shirt. "Now I'm done!" Mel just rolled her eyes. "Give me ten minutes, Casanova."

Charlie POV-

I scanned Ollie up and down. Seriously, he had to unbutton the buttons again. Whatever, I didn't even care. I wasn't comfortable in my skin, and there was a lot more 'cleavage' than I usually had. But damn, did I look good. I could only admit that because of my straightened hair and makeup, without makeup I looked like an animal that had been run over on the road. But black really brought out the green in my eyes and plus my confidence in my makeup and alcohol, this was going to be a great night.

Nick POV-

I looked down at my jeans and baggy shirt. "Eh, it will do." I smiled at Alexis, "You look great, not even slutty and you still look pretty" I meant it in a friendly way of course, nothing more than friends.

Alexis POV-

Best. Day. Ever. I felt all warm and my heart skipped a beat, had he really just said that? "Oh.. Hahahah thanks Nick.." I smiled widely at him, so happy I could hardly contain myself.
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Re: Orbs - 1x1 RP [NOT OPEN]
by WhiteFang121 ? Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:16 pm

Mel POV-

After changing into my clubbing dress (very dark blue, very short, very sexy) and a pair of black strappy heels, we piled into Charlie's car and drove to the Black Minx Nightclub. It wasn't overly crowded, but there were enough people that our little group was separated within five minutes. Then again, that was probably due to both Charlie and Oliver running in opposite directions the second we walked through the door. I rubbed my temples and looked over to where the others were standing - or at least they had been a minute ago. "Whatever." I muttered. They were going to make their way back to me once they were smashed enough. Being the designated driver sucked, especially when your four room mates are very thorough drunks.

Ollie POV-

I was finally back in my natural habitat. I looked around through the haze, seeing the dancing silhouettes and hearing the pounding music. Taking a deep breath in, I could smell the sweat, alcohol and sex in the room. Oh yeah, this was gonna be fun.

RPing with my best friend, Emygrace!


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Re: Orbs - 1x1 RP [NOT OPEN]
by Emygrace ? Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:22 pm

Charlie POV-

I hurried over to the bar, not wasting any time. "One shot of vodka please." I smiled at the bartender, not flirtatiously but not just friendly either. He passed me the shot and I skulled it, coughing a little after. the taste was strong and it always took me awhile to get used to it. I wanted more. "Three more?"
"Are you sure hun? That's a lot of alcohol.." The friendly bartender said.
"Yes." Three shots later, I was sinking into the stool a lot more than before and my vision was a little bit blurry. "Give me a goon bag!" I exclaimed loudly, and the bartender frowned.
He replied, "A goon bag is to make you're already wasted.."
RPing with my bestfriend, WhiteFang121


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Re: Orbs - 1x1 RP [NOT OPEN]
by WhiteFang121 ? Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:32 pm

Mel POV-

I honestly have no idea what the hell everyone else did that night. I drank a teeny bit and danced a little with some nice boys who were wearing very well-fitted suits. I always did like a man in a suit.
By 3am, I was pretty sure everyone had pretty much had their fill. I found Charlie with her head in one of the toilets, Lexa slurring her way through her life story at the bar, a shirtless Nick making a half-hearted attempt to crawl out from underneath two (still fully clothed) blondes and an absolutely smashed Oliver making absolutely no attempt to crawl out from underneath three (very 'lightly dressed') blondes and a brunette. What was it with these two and blondes? I guess they do say that blondes have more fun. Then again, they also say that brunettes will actually remember it in the morning...

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Re: Orbs - 1x1 RP [NOT OPEN]
by Emygrace ? Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:38 pm

Charlie POV-

"Oh crap!" I mumbled, "Am I dead?!" Light was burning my eyes and I hadn't even opened them yet. I opened one slightly and hissed hiding under my blanket "Ow..maybe I'm a vampire" Ugh. My stomach and head hurt a lot. I noticed on my left wrist there was black cursive writing saying, 'Charlie and Tom forever'. Who was Tom?! I quickly rubbed at it and to my relief it was just ink. But I would need soap to scrub it off. I didn't remember a thing from last night..

Nick POV-

I groaned, and woke up with a pink bra on under my shirt. At first I was embarrassed but then, proud. At least some girl had to have put it there. I was never the type of guy who womanises, but what guy wouldn't be proud of that?

Alexis POV-

"And then.." I mumbled softly, still half in my dream. "I was like, why not live with the guy I'm in love with? You only live once right..." I snorted in a very unattractive way, waking up. "Oh god.."

Mel POV-

I gazed around the darkened living room. Everyone was pretty much where I had left them last night - or earlier this morning. Charlie took up the whole two-seater sofa (she needed it most) and was lying facedown underneath the blanket I'd given her earlier. She was mumbling and stirring a bit. I winced. She was going to have the god of all hangovers.
Nick was on the futon next to the couch, splayed out like someone who had just belly flopped into a pool. Next to him was Oliver, who was groaning lightly. If anyone was going to beat Charlie in the hangover department it was him. Alexis, who I'd sort of draped over a chair, had fallen off and also started mumbling to herself.

I walked over to the kitchen and dropped five aspirins into their respective containers. I didn't really have a hangover, but with all the groaning, moaning and whining I would be dealing with it today, I would be needing it. I walked over to Charlie and told her I had some aspirin. She mumbled something incoherent and a hand shakily popped out from under the blanket. I handed her the cup (didn't want to risk any glass-dropping incidents) an the hand retreated back inside the blanket. I couldn't help but chuckle softly as I walked over to Nick, who had also awoken. His hand was over his eyes and he squinted at me through the gap between his fingers. I gave him the aspirin and he took it gladly, muttering a thanks.
Alexis was muttering to herself and woke with a start as I approached. She went pink for a moment, looking down at herself, then took the aspirin, still not looking me in the eye.

Oliver POV-

I could feel my soul trying to fly out of my f*cking eyes.
"Turn the light off."
I heard someone chuckle and ask "You mean the sun?"
I frowned as best as my sore facial muscles could manage. "Yes, that. Turn it off."
The voice chuckled again. "Alright. I'll try my best."

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Re: Orbs - 1x1 RP [NOT OPEN]
by Emygrace ? Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:07 pm

Charlie POV-

I coughed on the aspirin, seeing as I was laying down. I just wanted to sleep, but seeing as it was probably almost midday I wasn't tired. I just felt terrible everywhere. "I'm never drinking ever again" I groaned and managed to say the sentence without mumbling too much. The pain in my head was almost tear jerking and I was full of regret, although in my heart I knew I would drink again.

Alexis POV-

"Charlie, I had half of what you had... and I only remember half the night" I told her, my nerves were acting up because I was so glad no one had heard what I had been mumbling.

Nick POV-

"I'm wearing a pink bra.." I added, thinking that it was a very relevant point. But mainly I was extremely proud of it and wanted them all to know. Especially Oliver. We had always had a competition with the ladies, well maybe it was all in my mind, but I had always lost. I just didn't like being a player. But I had been drunk last night so it wasn't my fault..right?
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Re: Orbs - 1x1 RP [NOT OPEN]
by WhiteFang121 ? Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:57 am

Oliver POV-

I looked at Nick, then down at my own sore body. "Well sorry to burst your bubble," I smirked, "but I'm wearing two." I felt underneath my shirt. "And a pair of rather lovely pink panties, it would appear."

Mel POV-

I rolled my eyes at the boys. "And once again you have proven how crude you two are when drunk." I heard weak chuckles coming from them and walked towards the computer. No one was going anywhere at this rate, so I decided to check how my search for the mystery piece of paper was going. To y surprise, there was a hit! Some scientist seemed to know about the origins of my rock-paper. I scanned the contents of his reply.

[RE: HELP Paper inside rock? Answers needed ASAP]
Dear Mel_Angel2,
I happen to know rather a lot about your find. I'm a scientist working in the field of folkloristics (the study of folklore, legends and myths). I have been looking into the legend pertaining your particular piece of paper for a while now, and I believe that you may have found something vital to my research. Would you be against meeting up with me and my team? I know it sounds forward, but it would really help me and my team's research into this case. Please private message me if you could,
Many thanks,

I blinked a few times. Could this guy be for real? It could be some rapist, but... I did a quick search. His other posts were also about 'folkloristics' and when I googled it, it turned out to be a real science. Well.. what's the worst that could happen? I clicked on the PM box and began typing.

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Re: Orbs - 1x1 RP [NOT OPEN]
by Emygrace ? Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:06 am

Charlie POV-

Still holding the blanket over me to cover the sunlight I stumbled off the couch and ran to the bathroom shakily. I started ferociously rubbing at the black writing on my wrist. It faded but not completely. I lifted up my dress in search for any other words anywhere else, scared that I might have actually gotten a permanent tattoo. I groaned in frustration, as I couldn't see if there was anything on my lower back with this crappy mirror we had.

Alexis POV-

My face burned with jealousy of Nick with anyone but me. But I couldn't do anything to stop him, it's not like he liked me back or ever would. Charlie seemed to have the worst, equal to Oliver. She looked like a vampire running across the room. What was wrong? I didn't know what trouble had gone down last night with her, maybe she had some sort of STD? I noticed that on the couch she had been sprawled across there was a few pieces of paper, I guessed they were phone numbers.

Nick POV-

"Is she ok?" I mentioned to where Charlie had run off to, also noticing the papers. "Maybe she's just remembering the night or seeing the consequences of not remembering" I chuckled and looked at Oliver.


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